
Parish Fairs in Louisiana

We have listed 10 parish fairs that are held in Louisiana below and will continue to add more (if any). You can use this page to request to add more events in the state of Louisiana that are not listed below.

Allen Parish Fair
Allen Parish Fair Oberlin, LA Nov 6-9, 2024
Beauregard Parish Fair
Beauregard Parish Fair DeRidder, LA Oct 1-5, 2024
Cal-Cam Fair
Cal-Cam Fair Sulphur, LA Oct 3-6, 2024
Livingston Parish Fair
Livingston Parish Fair Livingston, LA Oct 8-13, 2024
Natchitoches Parish Fair
Natchitoches Parish Fair Natchitoches, LA Sep 20-28, 2024
Rapides Parish Fair
Rapides Parish Fair Alexandria, LA Oct 9-13, 2024
Sabine Parish Fair
Sabine Parish Fair Many, LA Sep 23-28, 2024
St. Tammany Parish Fair
St. Tammany Parish Fair Covington, LA Oct 2-6, 2024
Tangipahoa Parish Fair
Tangipahoa Parish Fair Amite City, LA Oct 2-6, 2024
Washington Parish Free Fair
Washington Parish Free Fair Franklinton, LA Oct 16-20, 2024

Neighbour States

Arkansas (60)
Texas (32)