Cookie Policy

Here you can learn more about the cookies that we use and how we use them. You can also learn how to block these cookies. Please note that blocking some of the cookies will lead to poor user experience. Using cookies, we can provide the users with more user-friendly services that would not be possible without the cookie setting. By means of a cookie, the information and offers on our website can be optimised with you in mind. Cookies allow us to recognise our website users.

What are cookies anyway?
Cookies are small text files which the browser stores on your computer. They are designed to hold a tiny amount of data specific to you, and can be accessed either by the web server or your computer. This allows the server to deliver a page tailored to you, or the website itself can contain some script which is aware of the data in the cookie and so is able to keep information from one visit to the website (or related site) to the next.
The purpose of the computer cookie is to help the website keep track of your visits and activity. This isn’t always a bad thing. For example, many online retailers use cookies to keep track of the items in a user’s shopping cart as they explore the site. Without cookies, your shopping cart would reset to zero every time you clicked a new link on the site. That would make it difficult to buy anything online!
If you would like to read more on cookies you can read the Wikipedia page about HTTP cookies

Why we use cookies?
We mainly use cookies to save any user preference and keep it for future visits. We also use cookies to compile aggregate (anonymised) data about site traffic and site interactions. We need this data to offer you better site experiences and tools in the future. We may also use trusted third-party services that track this information on our behalf, but we will do so only if the third-party is compliant under GDPR.
We do not use cookies to profile your usage on our websites or across the Internet or to draw any conclusions about you!

How to disable cookies
You can check this webpage for step by step instructions.